Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Lazy Day Pictures

 Just a bit of the street my hostel's on. Not the best view here, but I recently learned that my street is one of the oldest streets in Paris. The Romans actually use to use this street.
 One of the many restaurants I see everyday. It's incredible how many there are.
 Just a picture of a building.
Another street picture. It's too bad it's hard to see, but the entire thing is cobble stone.


  1. I love cobblestone streets! So cool that you're experiencing them and a little bit of Parisian culture!

    Hey...just go down to the Eiffel Tower. There's tons to see and do down there, including a ton of shops and cafes and good gelato. :)

    Also, if you're not sure what to do for lunch, I found a lot of really good meat markets that were next to bread shops and they would totally make you a sandwich! YUM!

    Have you had a crepe yet? Also yum!

    (Can you tell I'm hungry right now?)

    Anyway...rock on! Proud of you!

  2. I love all the pictures but the black and white are very moving. I'd love to see a pic of where you stay. It's so fun to see what you're doing AND hearing about it!

    I've always love cobblestone streets...sigh...can you imagine the work it took to make them?? Wow....

    I'm glad you were able to have a lazy day and not stress about something.

    It's always so cool to finally be in one place and have your bearings so you feel like a local. You totally can tell the difference between locals and tourists then:-)

    Hope you can get to the Eiffel tower soon. That will be so awesome!

    Stay safe and can't wait for tomorrow's update!

    Love you! Amis

  3. Yeah, I'm actually meeting the woman I met on the plane ride over here for lunch. I'm really excited about that. It'll be nice to see a friendly face.

    Yeah, I'm thinking if I have enough time aftewards to either take a stab at the medallions again, or head to the Eiffel Tower.
