Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not So Different...

I totally wish I had my camera downstairs with me right now. I'm sitting at the "bar" in the hostel and the staff has the soccer game up on the wall. Ok, well the way the room is positioned, it's like an L shape -- the actual bar in the small branch and the, I guess it's a lounge area, is the long branch. Alright, well every guy at or in the bar is turned on his stool and has the classic tunnel vision while watching the game. Every guy in the lounge is rubber necking around the wall trying to see the game, ignoring all the girls around them. It's almost like being home. Glad to know there are some things an ocean and even culture can't divide.


  1. THe pictures are amazing!!!

  2. I love the pictures!! Im so glad you are having a great time!!

    1. thanks! it was a little rough to start, but I'm feeling better now that I've been doing it a few days. I'm by no means an expert, but I'm getting half way decent.

  3. I'm lovin' all of your posts! Thanks so much for sharing your journey with all of us! Way to go Nemo for inspiration!!! I love it! And way to go YOU for breaking out of the I'll-just-stay-here-and-be-safe mode! YAY YOU! I love the picture of you with the Coliseum behind you! More pictures like that, please! :-)

    1. I couldn't not share! Besides the fact that you and Brian are the inspiration for all of this, it feels good there are people out there who really care. It makes being gone from home so much easier.

      And out of all the things to get my but moving, a Disney movie. Ah, well, they're denying.

  4. so did you think that testerone comes in different flavors no girl Soccer is what it is and it will pass and then it will be waltzing maria (italys version of matildia)
    Never leave to go any where without our camera for life happens once so often........later since it is bed time

  5. So true, Jack. I guess for a second I forgot the draw sports have over the male species :) It was just a funny little thing I noticed. It makes me feel good to have your words of wisdom even from so far away!
